Case STudy: ALL Circuits
Meung-sur-Loire, FRANCE
Creation of an electronic contracting French champion
AIAC purchased MSL Circuits, located in Meung-Sur-Loire in 2009 from Jabil (ex Valeo plant)
Heavy investment in automatised lines, production rationalization, management team performance
improvement and dynamic sales developmentBolt-on acquisition of BMS circuits and TIS to Sagemcom in 2011
Development of common functions, rationalization of management teams and back office functions
Further investment in France and securing of significant long-term contracts, IEE, Valeo, Inteva,
Siemens, Sierra wireless, Schneider, FresseniusStrong dynamics and solid results with a two-fold increase of MSL sales perimeter on a stand alone
basis and four-fold increase in the ALL circuits perimeterVery strong investment program throughout the period, 22 m euros cumulated capex
Sold in June 2015 to IEE Luxembourg, a strategic buyer specialized in electronic design